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History of Raksha Bandhan

Story Behind Raksha Bandhan

Raksha Bandhan aka Rakhi is celebrated in many parts of India and Nepal.On the auspicious day,sisters tie a thread known as Rakhi on the wrist of brothers expressing the love for them and pray to God for their well being and in return,brothers promise to protect them from all evils.It is celebrated on the full moon day of the Hindu luni-solar calendar month of Shravana,and from english calendar it falls on the month of August.


Raksha Bandhan is a ancient festival of Indian subcontinent,and it have a wonderful history.Although Raksha Bandhan has several mythological and historical stories but most popular is linked to the story of Rani Karnvati of Chittorgarh and Mughal King Humayun
Rani Karnvati was a widow and was the queen of Chittorgarh.When Chittorgarh was attacked by Bahadur Shah and it was not possible for Rani karnvati to save her empire from Bahadur Shah,then she send a rakhi to Humayun and pleaded to save her and the empire.
When Humayun recieve the rakhi he was full with emotion and immediately along with his force,rushed to Chittorgarh to protect the queen.But unfortunetly he could not save the Karnvati and womenfolk because they had committed suicide before he could reach.Humayun fought against Bahadur Shah and saved Chittorgarh from Bahadur Shah and later he handed over the empire to Karnvati's son Vikramjeet Singh.

Other story linked with Raksha Bandhan is that when Lord Krishna cut his finger once,Draupadi covered the cut by tearing a piece of cloth from her saree.Krishna then promised to save her whenever she needs his help.

Another story linked with Raksha Bandhan festival is that,Laxmi's husband Vishnu was asked by Bali to live in his place,which Laxmi did not want.She tied a thread on Bali's wrist and thus made him her brother.When Bali asked her what she wants in return,the Goddess asked him to free Vishnu from the moral binding of staying in his palace,which Bali granted.

Here is a video which explain the history of Raksha Bandhan easily.

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